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Elementary level anti-bullying strategies

  1. Developmental Guidance Lessons – social skills, positive behaviors, assertive behavior, refusal skills, conflict resolution, empathy, respect, acceptance of others, anger management
  2. School- Wide Character Education/Anti-Bullying Programs
    1. Olweus – C.A.R.E. – Creating a Respectful Environment
    2. TVEC C.A.R.E.S. – Cooperation, Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy, Self- Control
    3. REC - Robeson ROCKS
  3. Responsive Classroom – Morning Meetings to teach/model a positive classroom culture
  4. Anti-bullying information for teachers
  5. Positive Behavior Incentive programs recognizing students showing pro-social behaviors
  6. Cyberbullying information program for parents provided by technology director
  7. Anti-bullying information provided to parents from counselors via counselors' website, or newsletters, etc.
  8. Teaching the difference between bullying and peer conflict
  9. Positive behavior morning announcements
  10. Social skills small group counseling
  11. Private Counseling through Child Guidance Resource Center available at the school
  12. Reflection sheets for students to assess their behavior as part of discipline program
  13. Peer mediation/counseling sessions when bullying situations are reported
  14. Middle school counselor consultation regarding at-risk children moving on from elementary school​​​

School Anti-Bullying Rules

(adapted from the TVSD Anti-Bullying Policy)

  • We will use our bodies and belongings in safe ways(no intentional physical aggression or invading personal space in a harmful way).
  • We will use kind words and positive statements about others (not make fun of, name-call or tease).
  • We will respect the property of others (not damage, take or demand others’ possessions).
  • We will include others who are left out, and we will allow friends to play or talk or eat with others.
  • We will stop rumors or gossiping from spreading.
  • We will make sure that all feel accepted and safe (not threatened or put-down and having such emotional upset that they cannot learn).
  • We will write, text or e-mail only kind messages and not use the internet, phone, or email to “cyberbully” anyone.
  • We will speak up if we see bullying and report it to an adult.
  • These behaviors are expected everywhere in the school, at any school event, and traveling to and from school, including the bus stop.  Breaking these rules has consequences.